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How does the DCFS process reports of child abuse or neglect?


Everyone in Utah is a “mandated reporter” for child abuse or neglect. That means if you’re aware of a situation where there might be abuse or neglect, you’re obligated to report it to police or to the DCFS, according to state law.

The DCFS maintains a 24-hour hotline for people to report such cases: 1-855-323-3237. Callers can remain anonymous. Calling the hotline doesn’t automatically mean DCFS will get involved. Many callers are seeking more information or resources about how to deal with issues at home.


If what is reported on a call turns out to meet the definition for abuse or neglect set by the state Legislature, DCFS staffers will investigate it.

The next steps depend on the circumstances of the case, but they almost always include an assessment of the child’s safety and a conversation with the child’s parents.

DCFS staff members sometimes also work with other people in the child’s life — including extended family members, clergy, medical professionals and others — to determine what the best course of action will be for the child. That process of working with the important people in the child’s life is known as “teaming.”

Even if there’s no abuse or neglect, DCFS officials still try to be a resource for families.

Since every case is different, there are an infinite number of outcomes for how a family’s case can be resolved. The family’s individual needs guide the process, as does the family’s vision for maintaining a healthy family unit.